La cultura

The Hospitals of Turin and Vercelli use ozone to treat Covid patients

“Recent articles suggest the possibility that systemic ozone therapy is an effective support in the early phase of SarsCov2”. Consequently, the Piedmont Region joined the experimental trial of the Mauriziano of Turin. 

Silvio Magliano has published an article on his website entitled “Against Covid-19, Piedmont can and must focus on ozone therapy”:

In the article, the Councilor explains the reasons why he asked to introduce the use of oxygen/ozone therapy in Piedmontese hospitals with Covid departments.

Magliano writes: “Over 100 patients have been treated, on the national territory, with oxygen-ozone therapy, resulting in better clinical paths than those not treated. This therapy can effectively support, it seems, the effect of drugs; several international studies confirm the positive effects on patients. We arrive in Piedmont to a more extensive and systematic use of this therapy not only in the hospital setting, but also in the extra-hospital setting, thus helping to relieve the hospitals themselves”.

Silvio Magliano wrote the article immediately after obtaining the positive response from the Councilor for Health to the question he submitted to the Regional Council.

“The protocol on ozone therapy – continues Magliano – is bringing positive results: various data confirm this. I invited the council to continue with this experimentation in a larger number of hospitals in our area.

I hope that this path will be accelerated and that this therapy can be used in all Covid hospitals and also in the out-of-hospital setting. The treatment is less expensive than others and causes no side effects.

About twenty international scientific publications on the use of ozone therapy against Covid-19 have confirmed its positive effects.

Our hospitals are, as repeatedly repeated by the Councilor, under pressure; therapies that can be carried out in an outpatient setting can help unload the hospitals, currently under pressure as repeatedly stated by the Council itself.

Recent articles suggest the possibility that systemic ozone therapy is an effective support in the early phase of Covid-19 treatment, with improvement of the clinical outcomes compared to patients treated with conventional therapy alone”.

“Ozone therapy – concludes Magliano – also seems to guarantee a reduction in viral load. Ozone therapy is currently being tested in our area at the Mauritian Order Hospital of Turin and at the Vercelli Hospital. A new study on a larger sample of participants has already been launched: if the positive effects are confirmed, it will be possible to extend this therapy both in Covid hospitals and in out-of-hospital settings throughout the Piedmont area”.

With Piedmont, there are five Italian regions where oxygen ozone therapy is used to treat Covid patients. These are Puglia (Policlinico di Foggia), Abruzzo (hospital Atri), Marche (hospitals in San Benedetto del Tronto, Fermo and Ascoli Piceno), Friuli Venezia Giulia (hospital in Udine), Piedmont (hospitals in Turin and Vercelli).

Antonio Gaspari 
Director of Orbisphera

Antonio Gaspari, “Ozone: a cure for life”

21 aprile 2021 Indietro
